Rough to Ready Show (14th Oct, 2017)

Today was the first day of the Rough to Ready show, now in its second year.  It’s being held at the Da Vinci center (same location as the spring show). Where the Rough to Ready show is different from the spring show is that the sales tables are first and formost for members of the various lapidary and mineral societies.  This means the goods on display and the knowledge behind the tables is local, and of very high quality.

Below is a list of stall holders, and samples of their wares (in no particular order). Continue reading “Rough to Ready Show (14th Oct, 2017)”

History of Island Copper Mine – Brian Welchman (2nd Oct, 2017)

Brian Welchman came from Campbell River to show and make a presentation and show a video on the Island Copper Mine (“The Island Copper Story”), followed by a Q & A session.

Brian was a former mine manager at Island Copper.  The mine was in operation for 25 years.  Brian is experienced in open pit mines and worked for the Australian company BHP for 30 years. Continue reading “History of Island Copper Mine – Brian Welchman (2nd Oct, 2017)”