Victoria Rock & Gem Show 2025

Victoria’s original Rock & Gem Show is back this March at the da Vinci Centre, located at 195 Bay Street, Victoria BC!  Your favourite vendors are here with their amazing selections of rocks, minerals, crystals, fossils, jewelry and home decor. We’ve added more door prizes and this year’s Grand Prize is spectacular! Bring your family and friends, we are looking forward to seeing you.

Victoria Rock & Gem Show March 14-16 Victoria Lapidary & Mineral Society

BCLS Gem show – club trip

Good day.  I just wanted to say a few words about the clubs’ trip to Chilliwack.  First, thanks to Vanessa for organizing the bus trip.  The ride was really smooth and the driver was really attentive to our needs (there was A/C on the bus).  The show was really good and many purchases were made.  There was something for everyone.  Sean found some really nice opals.  Mike Hill, one of our past presidents, now 1st vice president of the BCLS was selling his wares.  Other vendors that come to our show were also there.  On the trip back on the ferry, our members availed themselves of Seans’ knowledge of rocks and minerals to identify some of their purchases.  There were rocks all over the tables and some people were curious and looking, wondering what was going on.  Carson took the prize for heaviest suitcase.  There must have been something in the vicinity of 100 lbs of rocks in there.  Leni bought a fossil and I found a few minerals she didn’t have.  It was a beautiful day and maybe a bit warm inside the building, but all in all it was a good day for everyone who participated.  See you at the strawberry social!

Yvan Gagnon, VLMS president