Message from our President

I wanted to take this opportunity to pass along some thoughts about club activities and events this past year.  It’s been quite an eventful and successful one for the club.

We had a record setting attendance and revenue at the March show.

We held an awesome auction bringing in some big dollars.

A terrific bus trip to Chilliwack to attend the BCLS show.

A great strawberry social attended by many.

An excellent fall show that surpassed all expectations.

Programs that were interesting, captivating and educational..

Field trips that were so well attended that they would have filled a Greyhound bus (with people and rocks).

A huge backlog of lapidary courses was cleared.

I want to thank all of our members who organized and coordinated events and also those who so generously gave up their time and volunteered.

On this note, just like in Jose Feliciano’ song, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Yvan Gagnon, President