Da Vinci BBQ and Member’s Meeting, September 13th, 2021

Because we hadn’t seen each other for over a year (thanks, Covid) we used the September meeting to have a BBQ and social instead of the usual Monday Members’ meeing.  We are rentedc the upstairs room of the Da Vinci Centrefor the evening and bought in Lori, from Lori’s Little Kitchen  to run a BBQ from the parking lot at the club’s expense. 

The plan was to provide a time and space where we could catch up with each other after a long hiatus and share the tall stories of what we’ve been doing to fulfill our rock cravings over the last year and a half when we haven’t been able to meet in person. Members were encouraged to bring rocks/ photos of rocks and indulge your passion (for rocks)

Click on the photos to see bigger images as a slideshow.